Zoey McInnis : South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program
The SC General Assembly began funding the South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program in 1999. The mission of the Program is to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching profession and help them develop leadership qualities. Each year, the program provides Fellowships for up to 230 high school seniors who have exhibited high academic achievement, a history of service to their school and community, and/or have work experience, and also possess a desire to teach in South Carolina. Teaching Fellows participate in advanced enrichment programs at Teaching Fellows Institutions, have additional professional development opportunities, and are involved with communities and businesses throughout the state. They receive up to $24,000 in fellowship funds (up to $6000 a year for four years) while they complete a degree leading to initial teacher certification. The fellowship provides up to $5700 for tuition and direct education expenses (including room and board) and $300 for specific enrichment programs administered by CERRA. All Teaching Fellows awards are contingent upon funding from the SC General Assembly. Fellows agree to teach in a South Carolina public school for one year for every year they receive the Fellowship.
Zoey McInnis of Marlboro County High School has been awarded this wonderful opportunity. McInnis will be an elementary school teacher when completing her undergraduate degree through Francis Marion University. Marlboro County is both proud and blessed to have fostered a future in education for this bright young lady.